===Analytics for WP=== Contributors: efficientninja Donate link: https://amanvermaa.wordpress.com/?ref=analytics Tags: google analytics plugin, analytics for website, universal analytics of website, google analytics, website google analytics wordpress plugin, google analytics for wordpress, GA code, google analytics script, google analytics for woocommerce, googleanalytics Requires at least: 3.8 Tested up to: 5.7.1 Stable tag: 1.5.1 Version: 1.5.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Analytics for WP plugin allows you to track your website by entering your google analytics tracking code. == Description == Analytics for WP plugin allows you to track your website by entering your google analytics tracking code. It Adds latest version of Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) javascript to every page, post, products(in eCommerce site). Also comes with option to temporaily disable tracking. = Like the plugin? = Please Vote, Your votes really make a difference! Thanks. == Installation == The plugin is simple to install: 1. Download `analytics-for-wp.zip`. 2. Unzip & Upload `analytics-for-wp` directory to your `/wp-content/plugins` directory. 3. Go to the plugin menu page and activate the plugin. 4. Add your Google Analytics Tracking code from the `Anlytics for WP` settings page. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I temporarily disable tracking of my website? = Yes, just select "Yes" in disable traking option in plugin settings page. == Screenshots == 1. Settings of plugin.