InoPlugs - in your face innovations!

Plugins written and maintained by Günter & Peter Schönmann“

Plugin "WooCommerce Additional Fees"

Created: 1/03/2013
By: Günter Schönmann
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This file will show you how to set up and use the "WooCommerce Additional Fees" - extension.

This plugin is quite easy to use and gives you the opportunity to add additional fees to an order depending on the selected payment gateway. You may add the fees on the product level and on the order level. You have the opportunity to manually change the additional fee value in the backend when editing the order.

Have fun with this plugin!
Best regards
Günter Schönmann

Table of Contents

General Overview⇒ top

This plugin is an extension for WooCommerce. It gives you the opportunity to add a fee to an order depending on the payment gateway choosen by the customer. The fee can depend on the choosen products and on the value of the complete cart. The automatically calculated fee can be changed later in the backend on the order page at any time. You can also add a fee individually to an order; if originally no fee was defined for a gateway or if you added an order manually in the backend.

General options overview:⇒ top

There are 3 ways implemented to calculate the additional fee:

An automatic upgrade of internal options to a newer version (if detected) ensures the high reliability and easy usage of this plugin.

Most of the code is based on modern OOP-Technics (object orientated programming) and ajax requests - this ensures a high stability of this plugin. In addition the possibility of interference with other plugins due to identical function names is very low.

Installing & Uninstalling⇒ top

The downloadable .zip package contains the following folders and files:

To install, follow these steps:

To deactivate the plugin, follow these steps:

To uninstall the plugin, follow these steps:

To upgrade to a newer version, follow these steps:

Alternativly using the WooCommerce and WordPress update function you can follow these steps:

Alternativly you can follow these steps:

Using the plugin⇒ top

a) Basic information:⇒ top

After installing the plugin you should go to the option page ('WordPress Dashboard -> WooCommerce -> Settings -> Additional Fees'). There you find a tab "Basic Settings" and a tab for each installed payment gateway. By default additional fees are disabled for a payment gateway, so you need to enable it for each gateway and select, what should be added automatically on checkout.

If you want to add fees on product level, you have to enable additional fees for products on this main settings page, otherwise the settings for products will be ignored. If you want to disable fees for all products temporarily you only need to uncheck this option.

If additional fees for products is activated, you must go to each product where you want to add fees. In the section "Product Data" you will find a tab "Additional Fees". After clicking you will find the same tabs you know from the main settings page. In "Basic Settings" you must activate the calculation of fees for the product, otherwise all other settings will be ignored.

In the gateway sections you can enable the required gateways and set the rules for calculation of the fee.

The customer is informed about the additional fee(s) added on the checkout page and the total amount shown includes the fee(s) added. The additional fee(s) are also shown on all confirmation emails and invoices.

In the backend on the order page you can change or delete the additional fee manually to any amount or add a new additional fee, if it is deactivated for the choosen payment gateway.

It is also possible to add a new order in the backend with "Add New Order" button and add an additional fee to that order.

When deactivating or uninstalling the plugin all information about additional fees are kept on order level.

b) Settings -> Option Tab: "Basic Settings":⇒ top

Option Description
Delete options on deactivate Activate by checking to delete all information, how to calculate additional fees automatically when deactivating this plugin. Only activate it, if you want to clean up database. Also activate, if you want to delete the plugin files manually. By default this option is deactivated.
Keep in mind, that WP automatically deactivates the plugin when updating.
Delete options on uninstall Activate by checking to delete all information, how to calculate additional fees automatically when uninstalling this plugin via WordPress. Do not check, if you want to keep the information in case you want to reinstall the plugin later. By default this option is activated.
Enable additional fees calculation for the shop Activate the calculation of fees. By default this is unchecked. Unchecking disables the automatic calculation of additional fees througout the whole store but leaves the plugin active.
Enable additional fees calculation for products Activate calculation of fees on product level. By default this is unchecked. Unchecking disables the calculation of fees for products regardless of the settings on product level.

c) Settings -> Option Tab: "Payment Gateway Settings":⇒ top

Option Description
Status Tells you if the payment gateway is enabled or disabled. You may also set additional fees for disabled gateways.
Enable additional fees on total cart value for this gateway Select this option, if you want additional fees to be added automatically, when the customer chooses this payment gateway. You can enable or disable whenever you like.
Output text The informational text the user is shown in the calculation of total order amount.
Tax class Select the required tax class for tax calculation for the additional fee. You may also choose 'No Tax required'.
Type of additional fee You have 3 possibilities to choose, how the additional fee is calculated:
  • "Fixed amount":

    Adds the given value "Value to add" to the total amount and increases this value by the tax, if necessary.

  • "Add % to total amount":

    Calculates the given value in "Value to add" as a percentage from the total amount and increases this calculated value by the tax, if necessary. This value is used to increase the total amount of the order.

  • "Include % in total amount":

    This option is required, if you have to pay commission calculated from the amount of money you recieve and do not want to pay for that commission. That means, that the amount added (including tax) equals the amount that you have to pay commission.

Value to add The additional fee value to be added - interpreted depending on "Type of additional fee" either as a fixed value or as a percentage value.
Maximum cart value for adding fee Up to this order value an additional fee is added. If the order amount exceeds this value, no additional fee is added. Set this value to 0 to make it unlimited.

d) Product -> Option Tab: "Basic Settings":⇒ top

Option Description
Activate for this product: Activate calculation of fees on product level by checking. By default this is unchecked. Unchecking disables the calculation of fees for this product regardless of all other settings.

e) Product -> Option Tab: "Payment Gateway Settings":⇒ top

The options correspond as described in b) and are valid only for this product.

System Requirements and Dependencies⇒ top

This plugin is tested on and requires the following minimum versions:

Versions - Log⇒ top

In this section you will find the changelog (history of new version releases).

Version Date Comment 1. March 2013 First release