T/V Resolve Vision

Prepare to Gear Up and come aboard the newly expanded T/V Resolve Vision 150ft LOA Shipboard Firefighting, Damage Control, Search and Rescue, and Customizable Course Simulator.


T/V Resolve Vision

Prepare to Gear Up and come aboard the newly expanded T/V Resolve Vision 150ft LOA Shipboard Firefighting, Damage Control, Search and Rescue, and Customizable Course Simulator. Located inside Port Everglades, the Resolve Vision incorporates live fire and controlled scenarios, while students perform and practice real-world, shipboard firefighting tactics.

At the heart of Resolve Academy’s Maritime & Safety Training is the newly renovated T/V Resolve Vision facility. During 2022 – 2023, Resolve Academy re-envisioned and rebuilt its firefighting and damage control simulator, formerly the T/V Gray Manatee, renaming and christening it the T/V Resolve Vision. Located inside Port Everglades, the 150-foot LOA mock training vessel has been refurbished and expanded, providing truly and unparalleled ‘As Real As It Gets’ conditions featuring confined spaces, low visibility, live fire, real heat, and water ingress (for damage control and fire response water retention situations).

Four additional live fire simulators are on the training facility’s exterior decks. Resolve Academy integrated its Damage Control Solutions Trainer into the “ship’s hull” to provide students flooding simulation training. By incorporating both the fire and flooding aspects of training, Resolve Academy offers students unique and realistic perspectives of an emergency at sea and response options. The T/V Vision facility was designed by Resolve Academy and Resolve Marine own engineering staff and fire and marine response specialists specifically for realistic and quality marine safety training.

The T/V Resolve Vision is located inside Port Everglades adjacent to BSOFD Station 6 and within walking distance of all berths making the location ideal for training on vessel turnaround days. The T/V Resolve Vision incorporates the use of live fire training in a realistic scenario giving mariners the experience of real smoke and heat while performing and practicing real-life shipboard firefighting tactics.

Attend our USCG or MCA Advanced Firefighting or update your certifications with USCG Advanced Firefighting Revalidation or MCA Advanced Firefighting Updating Course.

Learn from real responders, Resolve Academy is the training organization of Resolve Marine, one of the top Maritime Emergency Response organizations in the world.